Friday, October 2, 2009

Korean Spicy Seafood Soup (해물탕)

This kind of spicy seafood soup is very common in Korea. A variety of seafood can be used, but in this recipe I got from a website uses a squid, octopus, shrmips, and clams. Hope you enjoy this soup!


1 squid, 1 octopus, 4 large shrimp, 8 clams,
150g radish, 100g bean sprout (in Korean, it is called 콩나물)
100g water dropwort, 2 hot green pepper, 2 hot red pepper, salt
1tbsp flour, 5-6 dried anchovies, 1tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp rice wine

Making sauce :
** sauce for seafood : 3tbsp hot chili pepper powder,
1tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp hot chili pepper paste,
1tbsp sesame oil, 2tsp chopped garlic, 1tsp ginger juice

Preparation :
1. squid – peel it and cut it.
2. octopus – mix with flour, press it, rinse with water, cut it.
3. shrimp – wash them with salty water.
4. clam – add them into salty water for 20 mins, rub the clams with a brush.
5. bean sprout – cut the end part of the sprout , wash them with water.
6. water dropwort – use stem only, cut them into 3-4cm long.
7. radish – peel it, slice it thick (1.5cm) and cut each slice into half or four.
8. hot red and green peppers – slice them.

1. mix all the ingredients for the sauce for the seafood.
2. add anchovies into 4 cups of water, boil it.
add soy sauce and rice wine to the anchovy water.
3. in another pot, spread radish on the bottom of it, put down bean sprout
over the radish, then, put down squid, octopus, shrimp, clam over bean
4. add the soup (from #2), and boil it.
5. when it’s boiled, add **sauce for seafood, boil it little more.
6. then, add water dropwort, hot green pepper, and hot red pepper.
7. if the soup is plain, add little bit of salt.

The picture and this recipe are from

Grilled red potatoes

Ingredients: 2-3 medium red potatoes
Dried or fresh rosemary 1tsp (cut them small)
Black pepper, salt, olive oil, 3-4 clove garlic (chop them)
1. cut potatoes into 1.5cm cubes
2. add oil to skillet and heat to medium highAdd Image
3. add potatoes, stir occasionally
4. when the potatoes are half cooked, add chopped garlic, rosemary, black pepper, and salt.
5. stir occasionally until the potatoes are little overcooked. (to have crispy potatoes, it’s better to cook them little longer till they are overcooked.)
6. serve them warm.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seafood soup with tofu


Does the seafood soup with tofu look like this? Of course, the picture of the soup doesn't have tofu, but I want to have an idea of what it looks like. Let me know. I'll give you a recipe for this kind of soup. ^^

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Guest post from Dave...Sunday's potatoes!

On Sunday in Livermore, Dave's family -- including Maya and Reggie of course -- was all there for an afternoon brunch. On the menu was Sandra's delicious coffee-cake-style rolls (what's the right name for these?), scrambled eggs, fruit, and of course, some redX2 potatoes cooked by Dave according to Jean's bilingual recipe. Here are a few pics. Enjoy!

 First, cooking on the grill, and then...ready to eat!

Friday, August 28, 2009

my uncurdled tofu ggigae

A few days ago, I finally cooked uncurdled tofu ggigae using the recipe I posted here. I followed the recipe and found out that it's very easy and quick to cook the ggigae. I didn't put meat, but the ggigae turned out yummy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

순두부찌개2 (Uncurdled Tofu Ggigae 2) with meat

Here's the other recipe of 순두부찌개 which needs meat. Noriko, enjoy! ^^

1 package Uncurdled Tofu
100g pork
150g short-necked clams
1 egg
4 pieces chopped green onion
1/3 tsp chopped garlic
1 tsp red pepper powder
1/2 tsp red pepper oil
1/2 tsp sesame oil
a little bit of salt
3 cups of water

Ingredients for marinated meat:
1/3 tsp chopped garlic
1/4 tsp chopped ginger
1/2 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
a little bit of pepper

1. In an earthenware bowl, saute red pepper powder, sesame oil, and red pepper oil for a few minutes.
2. Add the marinated meat and sauté till the meat gets cooked.
3. Add water and clams, and bring to boiling.
4. When the clams open, add tofu, chopped garlic, salt.
5. Bring to boiling for about 5 minutes.
6. Add the egg, chopped green onion.
(The image and recipe is from

순두부찌개 (Uncurdled Tofu Ggigae)

My friend, Noriko, loves spicy food and has asked me to give her a recipe of 순두부찌개 (uncurdled Tofu Ggigae). Since I don't have my own recipe and haven't cooked it for a long time, I looked at a few websites where I could get recipes. I found two different ones; one includes meat and the other doesn't. I'm not sure which one she prefers, so I translated both of them into English and added pictures from the original websites which I mention in the recipes.

Uncurdled Tofu Ggigae 1 (without meat)

1 pack uncurdled Tofu
170g short-necked clams
3 teaspoon red pepper powder
1 teaspoon chopped garlic
1 teaspoon soy sauce,
1/2 piece green onion
1 egg
little bit of salt and sesame oil
(* do not need water because tofu makes water when it gets cooked.)

1. In a bowl, mix chopped garlic, red pepper powder, and soy sauce.
2. In a pot (an earthenware bowl is preferable), put the clams and tofu, and turn on heat and bring them come to a boil.
3. Once #2 starts to boil, add #1.
4. Bring to boiling more so that the clams and pure tofu get cooked.
5. Add green onion, salt, sesame oil, and egg (don’t stir the egg).
6. Serve immediately.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

오클랜드에서 먹는 김밥

예상치 않게 오늘 오전에 지인과 전화 통화가 되어 허둥지둥 밖으로 향했다. 요즘 버클리는 날씨가 좋아서 옷을 가볍게 입고, 있는 동전을 탈탈 털어 버스요금 2불을 내고, 버클리 다운타운에서 오클랜드방향으로 가는 바트에 몸을 실었다. 언제나 느끼지만 오클랜드는 버클리보다 좀 더 쌀쌀한것 같다. 오늘도 바람이 더 불고 8월 초에 조금 춥다고 느껴져 팔에 걸치고 간 자켓을 바트역에서 나오자 마자 걸쳐 입었다. 곧 지인을 만났고, 그녀가 준비해온 김밥을 커피 한잔과 함께 따스하게 햇살이 비치는 카페의 앞에 있는 테이블에 앉아서 먹기 시작했다. 테이블에 앉아 깁밥을 펼치자 마자, 옆 테이블에 앉아 식사을 하던 검은 피부의 한 미국여성이 내 어깨를 딱 치면서, 어디서 스시를 샀냐고 물었다. 이곳에서는 한국 김밥도 일본식 스시와 별 다를바가 없어 김에, 혹은 누드깁밥처럼 돌돌 말린것은 스시로 통한다. 지인이 만들었다고 하니, 엄청 부러워하는 눈을 던지고는 곧 그녀의 자리로 돌아갔다. 바람이 적당히 불고, 따뜻한 곳에서, 잘 통하는 한국인인 지인과 한국말로 조잘대며, 김밥을 먹는 즐거움은 한국에서 비싼 호텔 음식보다 더 맛있었다. 한국의 깁밥에 비해 적당히 이것저것 볶지도 않고 집어 넣고 싼 김밥이었지만, 어느 음식보다도 우리를 행복하게 해 주었다.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First post

Red potato는 너무 맛있다. 계속 만들어서 먹는 사람을 행복하게 만들고 싶다. 그럼 많이 기대하시길...